Friday, December 01, 2006

More stories for the addicts

We have a few fun things to tell you about. These involve the orphanage and the ladies who work there. For the most part, everyone is very nice to us and they all obviously love Ethan (but they call him Maxim). There are a few exceptions though. Unfortunately, we have been reprimanded on several occasions. First, they thought we were tracking in mud from outside and making their floors dirty. So, now we take our slippers with us and change as soon as we arrive. By the way, we don't have any mud on our shoes and never have. But, if this is what they want, then we will comply. Another time we were told not to break their plants. Because we are so destructive of course. The story behind this little episode is that a ball rolled behind one of the potted plants in the play room and Ethan went to get it. I followed him and moved one branch of the plant so it wouldn't scratch him in the face. So, now we stay far away from the plants.

When we arrive to spend time with Ethan, they 'dress him up' for us. Hey is wearing a hat, a sweatshirt, tights under his pants, and a long sleeved undershirt. Needless to say, he's probably hot as soon as we get started. Well, yesterday, they asked us if we could keep him from running so much because when we bring him back they can 'wring the sweat out of his clothes'. How can you keep a 2 year old from running and playing? We have been sneaking his hat and sweatshirt off during our visits and then putting them back on him before we take him back down to his room. This has seemed to help somewhat.

Ethan has a little friend who is being adopted by another American couple. His name is Arthur (Ar-tour), his new name will be Nathan. We've had the boys playing together several times, but each time, things get louder and we always seem to get into some kind of trouble when we're all together. Today, the noise confirmed for Joe that one child is plenty for us right now! Ha ha

Ethan is quite the actor. He puts on a nice show of pouting and crying when we leave him now. This usually lasts until we shut the door, and he can't see us anymore, then he's fine. He also has this little attitude when we are playing with him in one of the big play rooms at the orphanage. When someone walks through the room and says hello to him, he frowns and sticks out his bottom lip while tilting his head to the side. Then as soon as the intruder is gone, he is fine again. We have discovered that his favorite thing to say is 'ni nada' which means don't do that. He tells us that all the time, even when he's playing. Most of the time, he says it just to see what kind of reaction he can get from us.

Oh, something nice happened yesterday. The orphanage gave us pictures of Ethan! They had their photographer there at some point and took pictures. So, we have a whole sheet of pictures for his passport (and extras to keep). Plus, they gave us two 5x7 photos of him that are absolutely adorable! We put them up in our room at the apartment and look at them all the time! They have asked that we give them a family photo of the three of us before we leave. We will take care of that next week.

Yesterday, when our afternoon visit was over, we were packing up all of our toys and started walking down the hall. Joe usually walks with Ethan and holds his hand while I follow behind with all of our belongings. Well, yesterday, we were about half way down the hall when Ethan stopped, turned around, and motioned that he wanted me to carry him. That was so nice! So, I handed Joe our stuff and happily carried Ethan downstairs.

Well, that's all for now. Hope that took care of the fix you all needed!

Love you all, more soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh.thanks for that fix! I needed that! I imagine that was quite the moment for you Steph when he wanted you to carry him! How wonderful!!!!Those stories are too funny! We still miss you and cant wait for you to come home so we can hear em and laugh with you.He sounds more wonderful and adorable each and every day. thats awesome how the other boys name will be similar to Ethans. How far away from you will he be? that would be cool if they could visit occasionally, since they already know one another. Have fun the next few days and as always you are in my prayers continually Love Shelley (AKA a member of EAA Ethan Addicts Anonymous)

5:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we couldn't be more thrilled and excited for you both. It must be some kind of relief to know that Ethan is being taken good care of when your not in the orphanage with him. I think it's cute that they want to dress him up when you guys go see him, even if its a bit too much! Are you only allowed to see him at certain times and if so why?
We love you all!!!
J and K and Girls

7:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Steph, good stories! :-D
Ethan sounds like he has quite a personality! I am sure he will be a fav at gateway (of course ALL the kids are favorites)! I am guessing he hears "ni nada" a lot. Prolly his most heard phrase. Isn't it cute how 2-year olds show their independence by ordering us around? Ahhh the beginning of autonomy! I am smiling so much right now, just thinking of Ethan raising his arms up to you - "carry me, mama!" "Oh, yes, son, I'll carry you - here Joe ... take the stuff!" How great is God to bless you all soooooo much. Prayers always. Much love, J
(A proud member of EAA)

7:21 AM  
Blogger adoptedthree said...

We adopted from the same orphanage in June 2002 and they had our son dressed in three layers (one wool) and snow hat and it was 90 degrees in the playroom! Poor kid was miserable. We would sneak his 'hat' off and than let him sweat it out. Love the story about the clothes! Enjoy your new son.

7:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

We can't wait to see more pictures and here all the wonderful stories you will have to share when you get back. We love you!
Marjorie & Family

8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys, read the blog earlier, waited to post until now. Such cute stories, sounds like a typical 2 year old!!! So touching Steph, when Ethan wanted you to carry him. Brought another tear!! but that was good. Keep those stories coming. Liked the food stories too, am sharing with students, you know, learning different cultures and all. They ask me every day, "Have you bought Ethan a Christmas present yet?" Some are really getting into this! It has been such fun to share with them.
Love, Mom/Grandma H

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you two...nothing like typical Americans...always trashing stuff. Take it easy on the facilities, k.

Steph, I knew Ethan would fall for his mommy. So glad you got to 'cut-in'. :)

Always thinking of you three. Keep enjoying the visits with Ethan.

Love and prayers, Stacy

1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Baldwins. So glad the read about the great news the past couple days. Congrats on your successful court date! You are now officially parents. Very cool!
Sounds like Ethan is really warming up to the both of you.
We continue to love reading the updates, and think about you often. Hope things continue to go well for you.
Brad and Tina.

7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steph and Joe,
Congratulations on becoming parents. Marjorie told me about your blog and I've been reading and sharing with Roy/Sandy and of course Jeff. We are all soooooooo happy for you both!! We all have already been talking about who Ethan looks like (Stuart, Jayce)and think it's wonderful that God has put this little boy into your lives and hearts. We are looking forward to seeing all of you and if Ethan doesn't already have enough girl cousins, don't forget about "distant cousin" Lauren just around the corner...hehe
Love - Wendy, Jeff & Lauren

8:13 PM  

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