Saturday, January 29, 2005

Getting to Know Us

If you are reading this, more than likely you already know us. I am Joe Baldwin, my wife is Stephanie. We have made a decision that will absolutely change our lives. It has long been a desire of ours that we have a family. We both come from large families and we truely enjoy the company of young children. Emma Baldwin, Ella Baldwin, Kate Hendrickson, Riley Hendrickson, Brooke Erwin and Hannah Essink are the reasons that we harbor this desire to be mommy and daddy.

We get many questions about where we are in the process and it is unlikely that we can give everyone the whole story. So that is where this Blog comes in. Steph started keeping a journal and I decided to start recording parts of this journey for all to read. I will use this day to get everyone up-to-date and as things change I will keep you updated.

Most importantly you should know that we are being obedient to the leading the Lord. Steph and I are Christians. Because of our personal relationships with Christ we make every attempt to allow His leading in every decision that we make. We do this through prayer and we would appreciate everyone reading this to pray specifically for us in this adoption process.


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